We just got back a week ago from Disneyland and we had an amazing time!!!! We met the Scott Family there and it was soooo fun to see them. Here are a few pix of our fun.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Welcome to the family Fenway!
Our newest family member is a cute little 8 week old black lab puppy named Fenway. We are enjoying him so much. It only took a minute and I was attached. He has been so good so far and we are so thankful to FINALLY have the puppy we've been wanting for so many years. Here are a couple of pictures.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Dearest Friends and Family,
We are doing well...
Caden and Collin both have Christmas programs at school tomorrow, and then starts the break! I am looking forward to having them home, but not looking forward to the fighting. Hopefully I can keep them busy enough that they actually enjoy one another!! They are doing great in school, though, and are enjoying basketball (Caden) and wrestling (Collin).
Colson is going through the terrible 3's right now. He was great at 2, it's 3 that is really throwing me for a loop with him!!! I am enjoying him as much as I can right now, but boy he is testing me. I hope I still have my sanity by next year...(I am not kidding about that either!)
Dan loves his work and we are thankful for this blessing! He is doing great and is doing a wonderful job providing for our family and supporting me through my challenges at home with the kids. He is also helping coach Caden and Collin right now (yes, basketball and wrestling). I love him more than ever and am thankful to have my best friend as my husband!
As for me, I am taking care of the kids at home and trying to keep my sanity at the same time, which is a real challenge! I'm just trying to be the best mom I can, although at times I feel like I am failing. I enjoyed volleyball officiating this fall and absolutely love following the kids around in their sports and school activities. It is so much fun watching them. I just turned 30, so I feel like I have turned another page in my book of life. I am excited to see what 2010 brings!
A friend of mine took pictures of us recently, so I figured I'd just put them on the blog instead of send them out to everyone. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm being a Scrooge.
Merry Christmas to all our friends and family. We love you all and are so thankful to have crossed paths with all of you and to have the time with you that we do! We have been so blessed this past year and look forward to 2010!! Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! May Heavenly Father bless you all in the coming year!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The past couple of months
Caden was a ghost, Collin was Megatron, Colson was a knight, and Kelsi was a bumble bee

Pumpkin Patch!
Dan and Kels
I ran my first 5K! It was so fun!
Collin started Kindergarten and Caden started 3rd Grade!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Slow down there missy!
Kelsi started crawling a few weeks ago, army style, and has now moved up to the real deal, on all fours. She can sit up on her own now too. Needless to say, she gets a lot of time on the floor practicing!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Caden's Baptism
Caden was baptized on July 19!! It was so much fun. My dad conducted the meeting and said the opening prayer, my grandma gave the talk on Baptism, Dan baptized him, Dan made a neat slideshow of Caden's life to this point, I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost, Dan confirmed him, and my mom gave the closing prayer. Oh, and afterward we had root beer or orange floats, which were yummy! Caden picked everything the way he wanted it (except the slideshow, that was supposed to be a surprise, but he figured it out). I didn't know if I'd be able to talk, but surprisingly I didn't cry. I started to at the very very end, but I don't think that counts. Anyway, Caden picked two songs, When I Am Baptized, and Families Can Be Together Forever. He did a great job of picking people to do things and was very excited and involved. It was awesome and we are so proud of who he has become and the choices he is making. It was an absolutely wonderful night!!! We love you Caden!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009
Mother's Day Fun!
We went up in the mountains and had a picnic with my parents on Mother's Day and rode on my Dad's new four-wheeler, and the boys LOVED IT! We had a really fun time and are so glad for Papa's new toy! It was a fun Mother's Day. Dan made me french toast with fruit for breakfast, which is my FAVORITE! Caden and Collin made me some cards and some little pins to wear and they were so sweet. I had to speak at church which was a real treat too!! Ha Ha. They really wanted to make me feel loved and they did a great job of it. I love being a mother. It is the best job ever and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
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