Sunday, June 29, 2008

Youth Conference Pioneer Trek

This was such a great experience!  We had so much fun with these kids and bonded more than we ever expected.  They were a great bunch.  Not only did we have to push the cart up the hills and hold it back as we went down the hills, but we each had a name of a pioneer pinned to our shirts and learned parts of their stories, which was very inspiring and humbling.  We also gave birth to a baby along the way, had one son break a leg, had two sons taken away to join the army, lost our little baby and had to pretend to bury her, lost our dad and one son, and then had our dad and son come back as ministering angels to help us.  It was such a wonderful experience and we definitely want to do it again!


Katie said...

Man...we are jealous that you guys got to go on the trek. Sounds like it was awesome. Mark thinks you guys make a great pioneer couple!

Baller family said...

I'm sure it was an experience of a lifetime! How neat it was that the two of you were able to experience that together. I'm glad you had a good time! I really felt the spirit on Sunday when you spoke about your experience and it touched my heart.

Laura said...

WOW, I'm impressed! It looks and sounds like a great time! By the way, you two are cute pioneer folk!

Anonymous said...

So Glad you two got to enjoy the Trek experience... and glad Papa and Granny got to entertain their favoite Salem kiddos... we had a great time, thanks for our experience with 'your three sons'!
Thanks, Granny and Papa.